When will the UK leave the EU?

A number of things must happen prior to the UK actually departing from the EU, since the referendum was a non-binding referendum.

  1. The UK Parliament may need to approve a proposal to remove the UK from the EU to give the Prime Minister the authority to do so – this is a subject of legal debate (See Can the Prime Minister invoke Article 50 without approval by Parliament). Some say he has this as a prerogative power.
  2. The approved act of Parliament, or prerogative power, then enables or empowers the government to trigger Article 50 of the European treaty which sets out the process and timeline for a country to leave the EU organisation. See What is Article 50 for more information.
  3. Depending on the UKs appetite, it could sever some ties with the EU instantly e.g. If UK Parliament repeals the UK Acts passing EU directives into UK law (European Communities Act 1972). This less than amicable action would immediately halt EU governing rules and policies from applying to the UK.

Until the UK formally invokes Article 50 from the EU, it remains a full member of the EU with all the powers and rights of a full member. There is no time limit to when the UK must invoke Article 50.

Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news

Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news

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